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Use The Stock Warehouse To Sell Your Own Stuff ! Here at the Stock Warehouse we are most generous. This site was originally intended to empty out my warehouse and it has become such a phenomenal success. Others have asked to advertise on it as well. You probably found the item you are looking for quite easily and our placement is very nice for most Items sold on on here. Would you like to sell you own items on the Stock Warehouse Site ? You can sell any item up to $ 1000.00 with exposure for up to 6 months for Only $10.00 showing up to 8 pictures and featured on our front page as well. You can use this site to showcase & Sell a Car, RV, Boat or Motorcycle for up to 6 months for Just $ 25.00 Why do we say 6 Months? Because while others like that famous e site (no names mentioned) will make you believe that you will sell fast and after you have spent some money to list and it did not sell in a few days. We use that site as well in some cases and this site came to exist due to their expensive listing prices and things not actually selling and getting the sales pitch to "relist now" and "if it sells" your second listing fee would be refunded. Here there are no games. No hype. It might take a little more time for the word to get out across the web about your stuff here. If you want to use it ? It's Just Easy And Very Affordable To Do So. Your Items can actually help our site's variety placement in our own plans and we are after all just trying to unload our own stuff rather trying to get rich. I figure this just works out good for everybody all the way around. No excessive picky rules. If we have any problem with anything you might be trying to sell. We would tell you at listing rather than letting you list and kicking you off and possibly even taking your money as "others" would do. |
StockWarehouse.cntr.us Yamaha TG55 Tone Generator, Rack Mounted Version of The Famous & Most Popular SY55 Digital FM Synthesizer This is a 16 BIT FM Rack Mounted Midi FM Synthesizer which has gained quite the reputation for its clarity and accuracy in sound reproduction in Digital Audio form. One of the most attractive features of this Vintage Synth is its full 16 Bit Digital Audio Capability allowing the user to create and reproduce CD Quality Professional Quality Digital Music that can be mastered and recorded. This is a new and improved version of the legendary DX7 that has sold countless thousands of records. This is easier to use and you can trigger it from any MIDI Keybord or one of the newer MIDI control units. Anything with a MIDI output or even a MIDI Interface from a computer may be used. This particular unit has been not in use for many years and while seller would love to hang onto it for future purposes. The time for future purposes just does not seem to be anywhere in the near future so rather than allowing it to continue to merely sit and deteriorate. The seller has decided to see about finding a home for it to allow someone who could appreciate this here and now the chance to take advantage of this Synthesizer where it may begin producing music in the here and now rather having to wait for the future to arrive. This Synth has been stored in a variety of warehouses over the years some good and some not so good and there is some visible case rust which I will share with you below. Seller no longer has the equipment around to properly hook it up and test it and what was done was merely plugging it in and the TG55 Display runs through its boot sequence fine and no error messages are displayed which is a very good sign. Seller is preparing you to expect dirty controls and maybe a little noise when pots are turned as this has been sitting for many years. This unit is being priced really low and you can buy and play with it and if you have to spend a little to do a couple of things. He thinks you are still way ahead considering how cheap you are picking up once what was a very expensive unit at a bargain basement price just to allow seller to clear out way too much stuff and it all has to go. The seller’s overall assessment of condition is fair and the display lights up nicely as it should. It looks ok on the face and there some surface rust on the case as shown in these pictures. We made pics of the display booting and it runs by so fast it was hard to get a decent picture of the boot screen. You can see by the picture, it seems to be on and ready for midi input which could come from you and your MIDI rig or any MDI Compatible keyboard or MIDI controller. This Synth is a self contained 1 rack space high unit and it is priced right to move out the door quickly. You Can Buy This Item Now For Only $175.00 With FREE Shipping & Handling Out The Door To You Anywhere in The United States. Those interested in Export Shipping. Please Contact Us For Availability of Export Shipping On This Product. Please Indicate What County You Would Like Item To Be Shipped To In Your Contact As Well. This Shipping Deal Is For The United States Only. As with all of my sale items on this site. This is a used item and is being sold as is with no warranties as to condition or fitness expressed or implied. Shipping Is Way To Expensive to go back & forth on returns especially on larger bulky items. You are buying item as is with the understanding that you are getting a really great deal on it and all sales are final and non refundable. This site sells really low priced items in a liquidation discounted setting. We test all items for operation where we can and any known deficiencies we can find will be listed in the description where and as we find them. We do our best to provide a detailed description of any deficiencies we may find and disclose these thoroughly in our item descriptions. We are not perfect as no one is, but usually we are pretty close on the mark in our testing of items. This site will sell both working and non working items as well as both used and new items and we do our best to provide clear item condition descriptions to allow you to make an informed and intelligent purchase decision on the item you wish to buy from us. We appreciate your purchase and Thanks for shopping on your Stock Warehouse Center and you can contact us on the e-mail address in the banner below!
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