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Your Entire Vehicle Will Glow BLUE When You Dress It Up This Bright Blue Neon!

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Here at the Stock Warehouse we are most generous. This site was originally intended to empty out my warehouse and it has become such a phenomenal success. Others have asked to advertise on it as well.  You probably found the item you are looking for quite easily and our placement is very nice for most Items sold on on here. Would you like to sell you own items on the Stock Warehouse Site ? You can sell any item up to $ 1000.00 with exposure for up to 6 months for Only $10.00 showing up to 8 pictures and featured on our front page as well. You can use this site to showcase & Sell a Car, RV, Boat or Motorcycle for up to 6 months for Just $ 25.00 Why do we say 6 Months? Because while others like that famous e site (no names mentioned) will make you believe that you will sell fast and after you have spent some money to list and it did not sell in a few days. We use that site as well in some cases and this site came to exist due to their expensive listing prices and things not actually selling and getting the sales pitch to "relist now" and "if it sells" your second listing fee would be refunded.

Here there are no games. No hype. It might take a little more time for the word to get out across the web about your stuff here. If you want to use it ? It's Just Easy And Very Affordable To Do So. Your Items can actually help our site's variety placement in our own plans and we are after all just trying to unload our own stuff rather trying to get rich. I figure this just works out good for everybody all the way around. No excessive picky rules. If we have any problem with anything you might be trying to sell. We would tell you at listing rather than letting you list and kicking you off and possibly even taking your money as "others" would do.

Our Neon Is As Seen On The Famous Shark Storm Monster Truck!

Our Neon Is Featured On The National Truck Event Site


Blue Neon Under Car Kit Special Purchase Opportunity !

Long High Output Neon Tubes Will Let Your Vehicle Glow Brightly From All Directions, Your Friends Will See Blue!

This special purchase opportunity will let your friends and those around you see massive levels of Blue Neon Lighting Radiating From under your vehicle as you arrive at the coolest places in town and the in places to be! Just attach a set of these under your vehicle and when nightfall comes and you turn on your blue neon for all to see. Many will stop in awe as they take in one of the highest levels ever of customized blue neon light intensity ever offered in a car neon lighting installation. These Special Effects Neon Lighting Kits were the massive overstock of a now closed electronics chain and we wound up with them and now this site is the place they have chosen as the Nation's Liquidation Source for these discounted automotive Blue Neon Lighting Special FX Fixture Kits. The Kit is shipped in it's original retail display box which pretty much explains everything the kit consist of and offers a pretty good general overview of the product. These kits have sold so well and are so famous we initially just considered showing one picture of the well known nationally recognized box and this alone would probably sell out our inventory on these. One of our people is quite the car aficionado as well and he took it upon himself to dress up our page just a little to as he puts it to really try and give a real taste of just how spectacular of an attraction this affordable neon kit can make almost any car or pickup truck in just a few short minutes with the easy installation this kit offers.

With this inventory liquidation. The only color we have is BLUE, BLUE & Even More BLUE! This is one of the most requested neon colors and now you can take advantage of special purchase pricing on these Blue Automobile Neon Light Strip Kits.

Complete Kit With Easy 1 Wire Power Installation!

Total High Output Neon Glow Package Creates A Deep, Bright Blue Glow On All Sides Of Your Vehicle. The Neon Kit Includes 2 Four Foot Neon Tubes For Sides Of Vehicle. 2 Three Foot Neon Tubes For Front & Rear Of Vehicle making up a total of 4 Very Bright Blue High Output Neon Strips that are sure to enhance almost any Car Or Trcuk. All Neon Is Protected Within Acrylic Impact Resistant Protective Tubing To Offer A Long Life For Your Neon Lighting Kit. An On/Off Switch, In Line Fuse Holder with Protective Fuse. Pre-connected wiring with extra wire, Connecting Block and Mounting Brackets offers you an easy 1 wire hookup installation. 

4 Long Tube High Output Neon Lighting Tubes Make Your Car GLOW BLU !

This Kit is shipped in it's original display box and could either be used for resale in retail stores or is ready for install in your own customized car or truck. Wither way with an easy installation you can be king of the road in no time as your ride is transformed into one cool glow machine with these Neon Under Car Strips which are easily Installed by almost anyone who can follow just a few simple directions.

It's All Shipped In One Box With Easy Installation Steps Almost Anyone Can Easily Do!

In just a few minutes your own car or pickup or lowrider truck could be transformed into a King Of The Highway, The Super Cool Highway that is. Your vehicle with this under car automotive neon installation may even redefine the real meaning of cool in your own area. Just wait until the gang sees just how bright and blue your muscle show car, sportscar or other customized vehicle glows as it cruises down the streets of your City or wherever the boys like to hang at.

So how much is all of this going to cost you ask? Not nearly as much as you think. These are the original American Made High Output Neon Lighting Tubes. Not some little wimpy import cheap a-- low output tube found in many automotive stores.  Made In The USA Shines Bright At The Stock Warehouse Center and we are proud to feature this product that was made in America.

Thank You For Visiting Your StockWarehouse.cntr.us, We Hope You Can Find Something Great On Our Site That Will Make Your Day Great !

These retailed at $139.00 and the remaining stock will be Sold for Only $ 55.00 Per Kit Plus Just $12.00 Shipping To Get Them Out To You Anywhere In The United States.

To Buy It Now, Contact Us At The Yellow Banner In The Top Left Corner Near The Top Of The Column.

As with all of my sale items. While these are not a used item. I am unable to offer a warranty on these under the liquidation on these special neon lights therefore they are being sold as is with no warranties as to condition or fitness expressed or implied.

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